16 August 2023

Tepatkah Berinvestasi Tanah di Usia Muda? Cek Jawabannya Di Sini!

Tepatkah Berinvestasi Tanah di Usia Muda? Cek Jawabannya Di Sini!


Tepatkah Berinvestasi Tanah di Usia Muda? Cek Jawabannya Di Sini!

Blessings Of Ramadhan, Lestari Group Distributed 5.2 Ton Rice Through Lestari For Kids Program

Still shrouded in uncertain conditions due to COVID-19 pandemic, not discourage BPR Lestari to deliver #MakeAnImpact mission consistently.   In April 2021, during month of Ramadhan, BPR... Read More

Tepatkah Berinvestasi Tanah di Usia Muda? Cek Jawabannya Di Sini!

Record Asset 7.7 Trillion, BPR Lestari Group Reported Positive Performance in First Quarter 2021

Starting 2021, BPR Lestari Group has recorded positive performance as of March 2021 with asset 7.7 Trillion. These is assets total from all BPRs under BPR Lestari Group.   As an... Read More

Tepatkah Berinvestasi Tanah di Usia Muda? Cek Jawabannya Di Sini!

Rp. 1,2 Triliun from BPR Lestari for Bali Bangkit

It has been a year since Bali’s economy was crisis due to COVID-19 pandemic. Bali economic growth in fourth quarter 2020 shrank -12.21%, the worse than other 34 provinces in... Read More