Good Corporate Governance 2017

The implementation of good corporate governance is increasingly important to maintain the stakeholders trust on BPR Lestari, amid the challenges and business risks that will be faced in the future. The guidelines and work order of directors and board of commissioners as part of corporate governance can be downloaded at the following links:

1. Pedoman dan Tata Tertib Kerja Direksi

2. Pedoman dan Tata Tertib Kerja Dewan Komisaris


The 2017 BPR Governance Report can be downloaded on the following links:

1. Bab 1 - Penjelasan Umum

2. Bab 2 - Stakeholders (Bagian 1) dan Stakeholders (Bagian 2)

3. Bab 3 - Fungsi Satuan Kerja

4. Bab 4 - Pengelolaan Keuangan

5. Bab 5 - Penanganan Benturan Kepentingan dan Bantuan Sosial

6. Kesimpulan