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The implementation of good corporate governance is increasingly important to maintain the stakeholders trust on BPR Lestari, amid the challenges and business risks that will be faced in the future.
The guidelines and work order of directors and board of commissioners as part of corporate governance can be downloaded at the following links:
1. The Board of Directors' Guidelines and Code of Conduct
2. The Board of Commissioners’ Guidelines and Code of Conduct
The 2016 BPR Governance Report can be downloaded on the following links:
1. Introduction
2. General Meeting of Shareholders
3. Board of Commissioners
4. Board of Directors
5. Committees
6. Compliance Function
7. Internal Audit Function (SKAI)
8. External Audit Function
9. Implementation of Risk Management & Internal Control
10. Legal Lending Limit
11. BPR Business Plan
12. Transparency of Financial and Non Financial Condition
13. Handling of Conflict of Interest
14. Legal and Fraud Handling Problems
15. Funding on Social Activities and Political Activities
16. Highest and Lowest Salary Ratio
17. Approval Sheet