The following privacy policy is applied by PT BPR Lestari Bali, (“BPR Lestari”) in order to show our commitment to protect and respect the customers privacy and policy in using LestariNet application.


1. Privacy Policy

BPR Lestari will protect LestariNet users privacy, and only certain people have the right to access the information for proper use (BPR Lestari always remind our staff to protect and respect customers privacy). BPR Lestari will not show/give customers privacy data to the third parties or other corporate.


2. Role

To make financial and non-financial transactions, corporate needs 3 (three) role that consist of minimum 2 (two) users, with the following conditions as below:

  1. User Maker

User who creates financial and non-financial transactions

  1. User Approver

User who approves financial transactions that have been create

  1. User Releaser

User who validate financial transactions that have been approved by approver


3. Security

3.1 Log In Security System

BPR Lestari using 4 (four) layer of security system to protect customer transactions in LestariNet, namely:

  1. Corporate ID (company/institution identity code)
  2. User ID (users identity code who has an access)
  3. Password
  4. Captcha


3.2 Transaction Security System

Each transaction that has been approved, user releaser must input token code using Lestari Soft Token application which can be accessed by User Releaser.


4. LestariNet Access Protection

BPR Lestari requires customers to enter your Company ID, User ID, Password and Captcha before you access all information and menu in LestariNet. To ensure the security and protection, please do the following:

  1. Keep your Company ID, User ID and password confidentially, do not anyone know except users who get the access.
  2. Do not give your Company ID, User ID and password or part of your data to the other people, even he/she claims from BPR Lestari. BPR Lestari never asks any data that used as a security system for LestariNet.
  3. Please contact Ask Lestari if your User ID is blocked. Follow the instruction how to re-active your LestariNet facility. 

Since there are various internet browsers nowadays, and the internet banking shall follow the security of each browser, make sure you always update your browser with the latest version to maximize the use of LestariNet facility.