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After a successful Jumbo Wow raffle draw in June, BPR Lestari Bali (member of Lestari Group) recently announced winners for the raffle’s second period by the end of 2018. Jumbo Wowis one of most anticipated events for Tabungan Jumbo customers. Taking place at BPR Lestari—Benoa branch on Wednesday, December 12th, this event gave customers chance to win a Honda HR-V car and 15 units of Honda Vario F1. Representatives from Dinas Sosial (Department of Social Affairs), Dinas Penanaman Modal dan Perizinan (Department of Investments and Licensing), Notary and Police Service unsealed the raffle draw equipment to kick off the awarding night.
All customers couldn’t hide their excitement. The room was flooded by the crowd even far before it’s started. To maintain this enthusiasm, representatives of the customers were given a chance to involve in drawing process by pushing the raffle button. Mr. Rohit Nanik Chandiramani was crowned as the winner of Honda HR-V along with other 15 customers who brought home Honda Vario F1 each. “Congratulations forMr. Rohit and other winners in this period. We would also like to thank our customers for their loyalty and trust toward us and our service,” Wisnu Merthayoga, Marketing Communications Manager of BPR Lestari, expressed his gratitude.
Tabungan Jumbo, as a transactional saving account, has several special benefits compared to other accounts. It frees customers from any admin and transfer fee for any transaction, to any bank accounts. Other values are the fast transfer time, a WOW (OMG) interest, WOW prizes, and ATM Lestari. Not only accommodate personal account, BPR Lestari also offers competitive advantages for corporate account through Tabungan Jumbo Pro. Until the end of 2018, Tabungan Jumbo has been holding a special promo. By saving minimum balance of IDR 50 million, account holders will automatically get priority cards offered by BPR Lestari, Lestari First or Lestari First Ladies. This card will give them privileges to claim discounts in more than 900-ish merchant and enjoy the luxury of The First Lounge of Concordia Lounge in domestic departure terminal of Ngurah Rai Airport. “This promo is very interesting for so many benefits included in it. Customers can enjoy all of them through our Lestari First card by putting a balance of IDR 50 million in their saving,” Wisnu further explained.
Zaman sekarang ini, banyak orang yang sulit membedakan antara kebutuhan utama dalam hidup dan yang sebenarnya kebutuhan tambahan. Di tengah-tengah kaburnya batas antara kebutuhan utama dan... Read More
Bagi Anda yang gemar menabung dan menginginkan keuntungan lebih, kini saatnya Anda beralih ke solusi lebih cerdas yang menawarkan manfaat berlipat. Bank Lestari Bali (BPR) dengan bangga... Read More