18 September 2024

Notice of Bank Lestari Bali (BPR) Renon Branch Office Relocation

Notice of Bank Lestari Bali (BPR) Renon Branch Office Relocation

In connection with encouraging the utilization of digital transactions, following the Bank's 2024 Business Plan and pursuant to the approval letter from the Indonesian Financial Services Authority (OJK) No. S-207/KO.181/2024, we would like to inform you that all operations of the Renon Branch Office will be relocated to the Sanur Branch Office effective October 1st, 2024.


-Sanur Branch Office-
Address : Jalan Bypass Ngurah Rai No.101X, Sanur Kauh, Denpasar Selatan, Kota Denpasar, Bali


All customers can still conduct transactions through our digital channels (LestariMobile and LestariNet) or visit other nearby branch offices.

For further information, please contact Ask Lestari (081999684000).


Notice of Bank Lestari Bali (BPR) Renon Branch Office Relocation

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Notice of Bank Lestari Bali (BPR) Renon Branch Office Relocation

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Notice of Bank Lestari Bali (BPR) Renon Branch Office Relocation

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