10 August 2021

Lestarian x NiLuh Djelantik Supports IDR 50 Million for Aid during the Pandemic.

Lestarian x NiLuh Djelantik Supports IDR 50 Million for Aid during the Pandemic.

Lestarian again supports IDR 50 million for the people in Bali who have been affected by the Pandemic caused by Covid-19. This time the support was distributed by cooperating with NiLuh Djelantik, a public figure who cares about the condition of the Balinese people.


The domino effect of the Pandemic is not only in the health sector, unemployment, and job loss. Therefore, the community is invited to be able to explore and see gaps to create new opportunities in a crisis.


This is what NiLuh Djelantik is doing, traveling around Bali to remote areas to see the condition of SMEs and home industries who are also struggling.


“Thank you for Lestarian's concern for Bali. In this fairly high tension state, there is still a softness that you share. The hope is that it will bring forth other Lestarians who empathize with the current situation,” said NiLuh Djelantik, or who is familiarly called Mbok NiLuh by netizens, during the aid handover procession on Friday (06/08).


“Mbok NiLuh is one of the entrepreneurs who support economic recovery, especially in Bali. Everyone knows how hard and passionate Mbok is to go to remote areas to meet our relatives who have been affected by this Pandemic," said Ayu Silviananda, Corporate Secretary Manager of BPR Lestari Bali.


For NiLuh Djelantik, support for the Balinese people is not only for their daily needs but must be considered in the long term so that they can be managed again.


"Yes, it has to be thought from top to bottom. So how do you make this assistance not only valid once, but can make the recipient of this assistance successful? Its mission is to empower the people here,” added Mbok NiLuh.


Sustainable empowerment is one of the common threads in line with BPR Lestari's #MakeAnImpact mission. "Bringing and spreading the impact is not just a day, but must be sustainable," said Ayu.


"100% of the trust will be distributed. We will be transparent in channeling this trust. Matur Suksma (thank you), sweet kiss to all of you," concluded Mbok NiLuh.


Lestarian x NiLuh Djelantik Supports IDR 50 Million for Aid during the Pandemic.

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Lestarian x NiLuh Djelantik Supports IDR 50 Million for Aid during the Pandemic.

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