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The conditions of the Balinese people who were affected by the domino effect caused by the pandemic evoked BPR Lestari's sense of empathy to share with people in need.
A total of IDR 50 million will be channeled through the Rotary Club of Bali Denpasar in the form of 10 thousand wrapped rice will be gradually distributed in various areas in Denpasar.
“This is all Lestarian's initiative. The nominal is not much, just a modest amount. We share it with other volunteers, but hopefully, it can provide the greatest benefit,” said Luh Ayu Silviananda, Corporate Secretary Manager of BPR Lestari Bali.
The post on the Instagram account @rotaryclubofbalidenpasar shows that the Nasbung (in short of Nasi Bungkus, wrapped rice with condiments) Rotary Movement for Bali has been carried out for some time.
“In response to PPKM Level 4, we at the Rotary Club of Bali Denpasar were assisted by other (Rotary) Clubs in Bali, the existing network and all our friends began to carry out the #Nasbungrotary movement for Bali. So far, 10,000 Nasbung (wrapped rice packages) have been collected, with a total of 6,000 Nasbung have been distributed over the last 7 days,” said Endah Mirasanti as President of the Rotary Club of Bali Denpasar.
“Pak Alex and BPR Lestari always support our social mission. Even though they are also struggling with the storm of the pandemic, Lestarian friends never forget to share with our relatives who need it more. With Lestarian's participation in donating another 10,000 packs, we will be able to distribute this Nasbung for the next 10 days. There are 5 distribution locations; on Jl Patih Jelantik, Petitenget, Jl Nakula, in front of Amaris Teuku Umar and TPA Suwung," added Endah.
BPR Lestari's mission which is embodied in #MakeAnImpact is one of the cultures to bring positive changes in people's lives.
“We appreciate the spirit of Rotary Bali to jump in and share with our brothers and sisters. Lestarian supports this positive initiative to the best of our ability. Their actions are heroic and selfless,” concluded Ayu.
“Thank you for always being partners in service such as The One Legian, Villa Lumbung, Amaris Teuku Umar, and also BPR Lestari. Rotarian invites all to move together in the Nasbung Rotary movement for Bali. We had one principle; for those in need, please take it. Those who are capable, please help. We move together to care for Bali,” Endah concluded.
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