09 June 2022

Develop Creativity of Younger Generation, BPR Lestari Support Sport Activity of STT Laksana Umbara

Develop Creativity of Younger Generation, BPR Lestari Support Sport Activity of STT Laksana Umbara

Through Lestari Mebanjar program, BPR Lestari gave support to volley tournament activity that was held by Sekha Teruna Teruni (STT) Laksana Umbara. The opening of this volley tournament was held on Saturday, May 28th, 2022, in Umahanyar Neighborhood, Darmasaba Village, Badung Regency.


This volley tournament activity was opened by I Gusti Agung Rai Wirajaya as the Member of DPR RI from the PDIP Fraction. This event is also attended by Bagus Jagra Wibawa as the Ambassador of Lestari Membanjar as well as the Head of DPD of Taruna Merah Putih Bali. The leader of STT Laksana Umbara presented all members and the administrator of STT Laksana Umbara gave appreciation to BPR Lestari for the support given. “Thank you BPR Lestari for the participation in supporting our activity. Without that support, of course that activity will not be carried out properly,” he said.


The support toward this activity of STT Laksana Umbara is a form of movement of #LestariAjegBali in Lestari Mebanjar program of BPR Lestari Bali. According to Made Tutik Sri Andayani as the Director of PT BPR Lestari Bali, support to the activity of STT Laksana Umbara is a real manifestation of Lestari Mebanjar program. “Through Lestari Mebanjar, PT BPR Lestari Bali committed to support various activities that held by youth so they can develop their creativity and potential as the younger generations of Bali,” said Made Tutik Sri Andayani.


Hopefully, this Lestari Mebanjar program does not only support more STT in developing their potential and creativity but also become a space for the younger generations to participate in manifesting Ajeg Bali.


Develop Creativity of Younger Generation, BPR Lestari Support Sport Activity of STT Laksana Umbara

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Develop Creativity of Younger Generation, BPR Lestari Support Sport Activity of STT Laksana Umbara

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