27 June 2019

BPR Lestari Mebanjar in Desa Adat Dalung

BPR Lestari Mebanjar in Desa Adat Dalung

BPR Lestari Bali (member of Lestari Group) this year was rewarded again with Krama Bali in Desa Adat Dalung through a dharma wacana held on Tuesday (25/6) located in the Wantilan Pura Dalem Desa Adat Dalung. This event became one of a series of Manusa and Pitra Yadnya ceremonies in the Desa Adat Dalung. 


The event which started at 08.00 PM took the theme "Sareng-Sareng Ngewangun Umat" melarapan karya pangeritan manusa lan pitra yadnya ngiring pincapang kehanan pawongan agama Hindu, Ida Pandita Mpu Jaya Acarya Nanda explained how to live according to the values ​​of dharma teachings and the application of ceremonies religious values ​​with sincerity. This topic is considered very important to remind Krama Bali of the true meaning and teachings of religion. "We are grateful to have been presented by Ida Pandita who unusually discussed the meaning of the Manusa and Pitra Yadnya ceremonies in Hinduism. I represent all the residents of the Desa Adat Dalung hoping that BPR Lestari Bali will continue to support the Krama Bali ceremonial activities, "said Nyoman Widana, Bendesa Adat Dalung. 


All of the Desa Adat Dalung residents who attended, seemed very enthusiastic listening to the dharma discourse delivered by Ida Pandita. The seats provided by the committee were fully occupied until the end of the event. "We are grateful for the traditional village of Dalung manners who have allowed BPR Lestari to be able to participate as well as being allowed to take part in the ceremony," said Ayu Silviananda, Corporate Secretary Manager of BPR Lestari Bali when attending the event. 


Lestari Mebanjar is one of the activities of the #MakeanImpact BPR Lestari Bali mission. "We are fully aware of our existence is inseparable from the role and assistance of the community. We want to bring positive influence to the community that we start from the environment around the office. Hopefully this activity can continue on other opportunities. For Krama Bali who wants to invite BPR Lestari to hold Lestari Mebanjar at a piodalan event in their village, you can immediately contact us, "Ayu concluded.



BPR Lestari Mebanjar in Desa Adat Dalung

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BPR Lestari Mebanjar in Desa Adat Dalung

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BPR Lestari Mebanjar in Desa Adat Dalung

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