30 May 2022

BPR Lestari Together with KKKS of Denpasar City Realize Wheelchair Assistance to Elderly

BPR Lestari Together with KKKS of Denpasar City Realize Wheelchair Assistance to Elderly

After the agenda of handing over the wheelchair symbolically to the Mayor of Denpasar, IGN Jaya Negara, on May 11th, 2022. On Thursday, May 19th, 2022, PT BPR Lestari Bali has realized wheelchair assistance to the elderly in Denpasar City. The realization of this assistance was facilitated by the Coordinator of Social Welfare Activity of Denpasar City (KKKS of Denpasar City).


This event was attended by Mrs. Sagung Antari Jaya Negara as the Chairwoman of KKKS of Denpasar City who also the Chairwoman of PKK Driving Team of Denpasar City who also accompanied by Mrs. Ayu Kristi Arya Wibawa as the Vise Chairwoman of KKKS of Denpasar City, and Mrs. Ida Ayu Widnyani Wiradana as the Chairman of DWP of Denpasar City.


Together with KKKS of Denpasar City, PT BPR Lestari Bali has made visit to 15 houses of elderly who need wheelchair assistance. The assistance at this time targeted to elderly in Penatih Sub District, Sumerta Kaja Village, and Dangin Puri Kelod Village. “This is an incredible assistance from BPR Lestari. Hopefully shall help Mister and Madame in order to be able to carry out your daily activities,” said Mrs. Sagung Antari Negara.


BPR Lestari carries a mission of #MakeAnImpact and continues to be committed to give an impact and positive difference in the community life. According to Made Tutik Sri Andayani as the Director of PT BPR Lestari Bali, the realization of this wheelchair assistance is a form of the mission of #MakeAnImpact. “This wheelchair assistance is a form or our care to the community especially to the elderly who need it. We will always trying to give positive impact to our surrounding environment,” closed Made Tutik Sri Andayani.


BPR Lestari Together with KKKS of Denpasar City Realize Wheelchair Assistance to Elderly

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BPR Lestari Together with KKKS of Denpasar City Realize Wheelchair Assistance to Elderly

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