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BPR Lestari Bali won Golden Trophy of Corporate Brand Rural Bank in a prestigious event, 11th Infobank Digital Brand Award 2022. This is the second time BPR Lestari won an award at the same category in a prestigious event for big companies in Indonesia. This award was given directly by Eko B. Supriyanto, Director of the Research Bureau of Infobank.
Overall, BPR Lestari won 3 awards at once on that event, namely Golden Trophy of Rural Bank for Corporate Brand (1st Rank), Best Overall Rural Bank (BPR) for Corporate Brand (2nd Rank), and BPR with Assets of 1 Trillion and above for Corporate Brand (1st Rank). This event that was also equipped by sharing session with topic of Branding Building and Advancing Business Strategy and Sustainable Economy in Digital Era by the CEO of Citibank Indonesia, was held on Thursday, April 7th, 2022 online through Zoom Live Video Conference and offline at Ballroom Shangri-La Hotel, Jakarta.
This award shows that BPR Lestari can show its existence in digital transformation that has been carried out. Moreover, this digital transformation that has been carried out can be transaction convenience solutions for sustainable BPR customers.
“The purpose of digital transformation that we carried out in BPR Lestari is to give advantages as well as give convenience for customer transactions. By mobile banking application (LestariMobile), it is very possible for the customer to open an account and deposit anywhere, no need to go to the bank. In terms of cost, we are more efficient. Interest rates are also competitive.” said Made Tutik Sri Andayani as the Director of Business of BPR Lestari.
It is proven that throughout 2021, BPR Lestari was able to record 615.000 digital transactions. There are also more online deposit transactions compared to offline deposits. It shows that digital initiative that carried out by BPR Lestari is suitable with the need of customers specifically and communities in general.
“This award is the result of hard work of all Lestarian (designation of BPR Lestari employees). Supports and trust of the customers also becomes an important part in our journey. One more time, this is a giant leap for us in BPR Lestari. We thank our customers and all parties involved in this achievement” closed Tutik.
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Setelah sebelumnya membagikan 1500 Lestari Green Bag ke pihak lain, menyusul 1500 Lestari Green Bag terdistribusi ke masyarakat melalui karyawan BPR Lestari sebagai kepanjangan... Read More
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