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Supporting the activity of youth in art, culture, and sport, BPR Lestari gave support to STT Dharma Indra Murti. This support was given in the context of Volley Tournament of PUTRA BAYU CUP II. The handover of aid was held on the opening of the tournament, Thursday, June 2nd, 2022, located at Putra Bayu Field, Karang Dalem II Neighborhood, Bongkasa Pertiwi, Badung Regency.
This activity was attended by the ranks of prajuru adat of Karang Dalem II Neighborhood, administrators and members of STT Dharma Indra Murti. In this occasion, the Leader of STT Dharma Indra Murti gave his appreciation to BPR Lestari. “We are from STT Dharma Indra Murti would like to thank BPR Lestari for the support so this tournament volley can run smoothly,” he said.
This activity was also attended by Bagus Jagra Wibawa as the Ambassador of Lestari Mebanjar as well as the Member of DPRD of Denpasar City. “Hopefully with this support, solidarity can be built among youth, especially those who are members of STT Dharma Indra Murti, so that synergy and high enthusiasm are created in realizing Ajeg Bali,” said the man who is familiarly called Gus Ari.
This support is a realization of Lestari Mebanjar program and movement of #LestariAjegBali that commited to opening up the widest possible space for the younger generation to jointly actualize Ajeg Bali through arts, culture, and sports.
“We hope, with this support for the younger generations, especially those who are involved in the sekha teruna-teruni can freely develop their creativity in the field of arts, culture, and sports,” concluded Made Tutik Sri Andayani as the Director of PT BPR Lestari Bali.
Zaman sekarang ini, banyak orang yang sulit membedakan antara kebutuhan utama dalam hidup dan yang sebenarnya kebutuhan tambahan. Di tengah-tengah kaburnya batas antara kebutuhan utama dan... Read More
Bagi Anda yang gemar menabung dan menginginkan keuntungan lebih, kini saatnya Anda beralih ke solusi lebih cerdas yang menawarkan manfaat berlipat. Bank Lestari Bali (BPR) dengan bangga... Read More