04 December 2018

Reaching 5 Trillion of Assets, BPR Lestari Celebrates 19th Anniversary

Reaching 5 Trillion of Assets, BPR Lestari Celebrates 19th Anniversary

On Saturday morning, December 1st 2018, Lapangan Niti Mandala Renon was enlivened by the big family of BPR Lestari Bali (member of Lestari Group). All the staffs, who commonly referred as “Lestarian”, and their families gathered together to celebrate the 19thAnniversary of BPR Lestari Bali which was on 29th November 2018. The theme for this year’s celebration was “The Future Must Be Won”, as to mark the achievement of BPR Lestari Bali which has successfully recorded the new milestone of IDR 5 Trillion in assets right on the 19th year of our journey. “


The CEO of BPR Lestari, Pribadi Budiono, said on his speech: “A great life starts from a big dream. We are very grateful for this achievement and this is our milestone for our next dreams. I truly appreciate the hard work of all Lestarians”. He also said that if likened to humans, 19 years of age is described as an intermediate stage toward adult phase. “I am grateful for all Lestarians who have struggled and worked hard all this time. The hard work is paid off, and such great achievement is due to everyone’s contribution of great performance”, he added.


During the celebration, various fun activities were held to brighten up the event.  Not only there were performances by Lestari games winners, this year’s celebration seemed a little different compared to before due to the participation of the staffs’ family members, in which they were invited to come and join the games. As a tradition, ‘Gold Pin’ appreciation was also given to Lestarians who have been with the company for 10 years. The celebration then closed with the symbolic “potong tumpeng” session by the share holders, Board of Commissioners, and Board of Directors.


Reaching 5 Trillion of Assets, BPR Lestari Celebrates 19th Anniversary

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Reaching 5 Trillion of Assets, BPR Lestari Celebrates 19th Anniversary

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Reaching 5 Trillion of Assets, BPR Lestari Celebrates 19th Anniversary

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